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Office of Institutional Research


The Office of Institutional Research at Florida State University works with internal and external researchers. Tools that are available for researchers include anything on this website, but particularly the Student Enrollment Model, Faculty Headcount Model, Common Data Set, IPEDS surveys, or Performance Indicators. Depending on the topic, needs, and goals, our staff can consult on the FSU data structure and how to obtain data from it. If, after reviewing our website, you cannot find the information you are searching for, please fill out our Data Request Form or contact us at

Office of Research
Information from or about FSU's Office of Research.
IR-Supported and Conducted Research
Information about research that IR has supported, and research projects that we have conducted.


Graduate student researchers may request aggregated, preliminary data for their dissertation or thesis proposals. Once their committees approve their proposals and IRB approval is obtained, Institutional Research can work more fully with graduate student researchers on their data request. We are proud of the many masters theses and doctoral dissertations we have supported in the past.

Dissertations and Theses Supported by FSU IR
A dashboard listing the dissertations and theses that FSU's Office of Institutional Research has supported since 2000.


If you are looking to conduct a survey of students, faculty, staff, or any combination therein at FSU, please review the FSU policy on surveys. Once you have reviewed this policy, if you have questions about the process and policies regarding conducting surveys at FSU contact our office at

If you administer a recurring survey, or have been approved by FSU IRB and/or the FSU Survey Committee to conduct a survey, please provide information about it by completing the Survey on Surveys at FSU. Doing so will help the University better understand the surveys that are being conducted on students, faculty, and staff at FSU, and allow us to assist those who are administering the surveys.