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Admissions Statistics

Interactive model with admissions statistics on First-Time-in-College (FTIC) applicants, Transfer applicants, and Graduate applicants.

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Student Enrollment

Interactive model featuring student enrollment by college, department, major, degree sought, residency, gender, ethnicity, student level, and more.

Fall 2013 - Present

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Archived Reports (Summer 1999 - Summer 2013)

Student Credit Hours

Interactive model featuring Student Credit Hour (SCH) reports, student FTE reports, comparative and trend analysis, and historic data.

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Degrees Awarded

Interactive model featuring degrees awarded to students by college, strategic emphasis area, double majors, and historic data.

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Graduation and Retention

Graduation / Retention Reports
Graduation and Retention rates for the university over time.
Graduation / Retention Reports (FSU login required)
Detailed enrollment reports featuring student data by college, department, major, degree sought, residency, gender, ethnicity, full-time/part-time, and student level.

Graduate Student Dashboard

Interactive model featuring graduate student admissions, degrees, and credit hours beginning in 2015-16 academic year through the most recent available semester.

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Post-Graduation Outcomes

Surveys administered by Student Affairs, Institutional Research, and the Career Center to graduating students about post-college plans and overall FSU experience.

Graduating Senior Survey

2022-23 Report
Masters Graduating Survey

2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24

  2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23

  2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22
Survey of Earned Doctorates

2019 - 2023


Infographics and Data Models

Interactive reports featuring special topics about Florida State University.

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2024-25 Student Stats

Undergraduate 32,356
Graduate 10,711
Unclassified 1,241
Total 44,308
Applied, Admitted, Enrolled
Applied 78,272
Admitted 18,954
Enrolled 5,873
Undergraduate Tuition
In-State $4,639.80
Out-of-State $19,806.30
Fees $1,866.70
Room and Board $12,740.00