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Office of Institutional Research Power BI App

The IR Power BI App, which mirrors the public-facing IR website, provides internal access to publicly available dashboards. It serves as a portal for faculty/staff/students to access the data, and allows for easy export of aggregated data. FSU Login required.

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Departmental Dashboards

Department Dashboards provide quantitative information on various student success and scholarly output metrics. The dashboards are updated on an annual basis. Methodology details are included on the first page of the dashboards. Page navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen allow for viewing different sections of the visualization. FSU login is required.

2025 Report 2024 Report 2023 Report 2022 Report 2021 Report 2020 Report

Degree and Certificate Program Inventory

The FSU Degree Program Inventory (DPI) is a listing of FSU degree programs and associated majors, approved by the FSU Board of Trustees and Florida State University System Board of Governors (BOG). Included are programs and majors arranged in federal Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) order. The CIP is a national reporting taxonomy promulgated by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics.

This list includes official degree program names, BOG. approved levels, name of the FSU major, the FSU major code, the CIP code of the degree program approved by the BOG., and the level at which the degree program and major are offered. Also included are indication of non-major classifications such as Not Formally Accepted, Pre-requisites Incomplete, and Undecided.

The Certificate Program Inventory is a listing of all college credit certificates FSU currently offers. The list is by college and department offering the certifcate, as well as by level of offering. This is available in the Certificates tab on the Interactive DPI Dashboard.

View Interactive DPI/CPI

Data User Group Knowledge Base

The Data User Group Knowledge Base has information on getting started with student-based reporting using the Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) tool, Microsoft Power BI, and data analytic platforms. There are articles on Getting Started, Dashboards, and Subject Areas. Additionally, there is a FAQ section, a data dictionary, a security and access guide (e-ORR process) and tips/tricks for using FSU's data tools. FSU Login required.

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Data Catalog

The data catalog includes a glossary of commonly used terms at FSU, as well as a data dictionary.

The data catalog enables discovery, access, and reuse of institutional data made findable and understandable through rich metadata, advancing FSU's mission by maximizing data's impact as a strategic asset. FSU Login required.

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Quality Enhancement Reviews

IR provides accurate and timely data to support the Quality Enhancement Review (QER) process required by the Office of the Provost & Academic Affairs. Specifically, IR provides each academic department under review current and historical data on its students, faculty & staff, and financial resources.

The purpose of the QER process together with guidelines and current department review schedules are located at the Office of the Provost & Academic Affairs.

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University Data Administration

The State University System (SUS) Chancellor's Office of the Board of Governors (BOG) through its "SUS Data Administrator", requires the twelve universities in the System to submit various computer files every year or semester. Files are needed to meet statutory requirements and/or to support information needs. In addition to standard computer file submissions, universities are asked to provide information/data in other media, such as hard copies of reports.

Each of the twelve institutions has an "Institution Data Administrator" to coordinate the flow of information from and to the SUS Data Administrator, regardless of which university department or office is responsible for generating the information. This data administrator system facilitates the coordination of information between the universities and the Chancellor's Office.

The SUS Data Administrator is responsible, in conjunction with the universities, for designing and maintaining the computer programs and definitions, for the data contained in the computer files to be submitted. The SUS data administrator maintains a schedule of data/information due dates.

A list of data/information requests and due dates is made available on a regular basis by the SUS Data Administrator. The list is available via the Internet through the BOG website.